29 Mayıs 2017 20:18

Erdoğan Government is besetting the workers’ rights

Erdoğan Government which is bracing up from State of Emergency, increased assault to the workers’ rights.

Erdoğan Government is besetting the workers’ rights

Erdoğan Government which is bracing up from State of Emergency, increased assault to the workers’ rights. Strike and unionisation rights are de facto hindered, last preparations are executed to the close the way of the court right for workers and to transfer the seniority indemnity to the fund.

The assaults of the Erdoğan's government to the workers are such as;


The severance pay fund which has been explained by AKP Government’s Minister of internal affairs Soylu as “We cannot accept that the our employer have nightmares due to indemnity”, was submitted to the council of ministers. In the event of a project to becoming legalised, 

-There will be no relation among the indemnity, workers and employers. Labour-job protection dimension will disappear. Employers will easily decapitate the workers, since they will not pay out of own pocket the seniority indemnity. 
-Today situated as one year the condition of the having the indemnity right will be 15 years. When the worker decapitates or gives up the job, the worker is not able to have seniority indemnity if the worker does not work 15 years. 
-Even if the worker fill in the 15 years, he is not able to have the whole of his seniority indemnity. Moreover, the worker who fill in the 15 years and has a part of his seniority indemnity, must wait at least 5 years to get again the right of seniority indemnity at every turn. 
-The married woman worker is not allowed to quit the job by having her seniority indemnity.  
- The seniority indemnity will not calculate over the worker’s last wage. Many rights will not be reflected on the calculation of seniority indemnity. 
-The seniority indemnity will lose value against the inflation. 
-When the boss really informs the low wage to social security institution, the seniority indemnity will more reduce. 
-The amount of money to workers from seniority indemnity will significantly reduce.


The prepared labour court draft of law by the government has been submitted to the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM). The draft is prepared under the understanding of the blocking the claiming one’s right instead to block restricting the rights and to impose sanction against the person who is in an outrage upon justice. With this draft, the mandatory conciliation is reducing to business lawsuit. The consenting the low payment will impose the workers with this conciliation implementation as saying the worker “if you file a law suit, you wait many years.” 
Worker are only permitted to file a law suit after the conciliation stage. The period of limitation will decrease from 10 to 5 years as saying “The employer should not being under the threat.” 

For details click here.


The strike right de facto was disappeared with the state of emergency (OHAL) case. In 2017 only 3 strike acts were forbidden, Şişe Cam workers planed strike on 24 May but was forbidden due to “reason of national security” and with this case the number of strike increased to 12 throughout the AKP government. The first forbidden strike by AKP was in the Petlas where is organised by the Petrol-iş. After this date, four time for Şişe Cam workers and one time for automobile sector workers’, for mineworkers’, for vulcans’ and for bank workers’ strikes were forbidden. The government extended the prohibitions in the summer of 2016 after the declaration of state of emergency by delegated legislation of the number of 678 (KHK). With this case, public transport service of metropolitan municipality and banking service were added into the strike postponement condition.


AKP government is boasting with extending the constitution becoming affiliated to two union but the oppression of recruiting workers to the unions is increasing day by day. Instead preventing the unionisation is lawless, the unionists are penalising, not bosses. With the state of emergency, the punishment increased in unionisation effort. By complaining of the boss, the court imposed a non-nearing penalty to Mehmet Çakır who is executive of Öz İplik Union where doing activity in Beks Çorap firm. And the TUMTİS executives who are organising during the AKP government, were committed to prison due to “increasing of the number of members.” 14 different unions’ executives and members were received imprisonment between 1 and 6 years. Still 3 unionists are in the jail. (EVRENSEL DAILY)

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