30 Mayıs 2017 12:31

CHP members of Coup investigation Commission: The darkness didn't lightened

CHP Members of the parliamentary commission investigating the coup attempt: The darkness didn't lightened but was hidden.

CHP members of Coup investigation Commission: The darkness didn't lightened

CHP members of Investigation Commission of Coup Attempt comment about the commission report as ‘dark’ and asked the questions such as ‘ How Turkey was given to Fethullah Gülen Movement? Did Secretary of National Intelligence of Turkey (MIT) and General Commander of Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) hide information from the government about coup attempt? If they did, why Akar and Fidan are still in office?”

Republican People’s Party (CHP) deputy Aykut Erdoğdu said that “the draft report announced by [Head of the Parliamentary Investigation Commission AKP Deputy Resat] Petek is a report that hides the political wing of a controlled coup attempt and a report that defamates people and institutions who are in fact innocent.”

“Even the smallest piece of information that could hint towards AKP’s political responsibility related to the coup attempt has been removed from the report,” continued Aydogdu, emphasising that there is a special effort to avoid implicating or holding responsible the ruling AKP.

“The coup attempt is presented as it was an unpreventable natural disaster and those politically and administratively responsible of the events are hidden. They are trying to conceal the fact that the state apparatus was consciouly handed over to the Gülen Movement after 2002.”

Erdoğdu also announced to the press some of the questions they will ask to object to the finalisation of the draft report: “How was Turkey handed over to the Gülen Movement? Did the Armed Forces Chief of Staff and the Head of the National Intelligence Agency hide information about the coup attempt from the President and the Prime Minister? If they indeed hid information, why they are still in office? are still in office? Did they also hide information from the navy and air force commanders who were taken hostages that night? Did authorities have foreknowledge of the coup attempt? If so, were citizens who lost their lives that night sacrificed in a coup attempt that was known and under control? Why were necessary precautions not taken despite the fact that information about the coup attempt was received by the National Intelligence Agency by mid-day on 15 July? Who are the politicians who form the political wing of the coup? Who was going to be the president if the coup was successful?”

CHP deputy Sezgin Tanrıkulu, also member of the commission, reminded that “the majority of the members of the commission [representing the governing Justice and Development Party – AKP] are deputies who had connections with the Gülen Movement in the past, head of the commission Petek coming first.”

KP adeputy nd head of the Parliamentary Investigation Commission Resat Petek was a staunch defender of trials such as Ergenekon, Balyoz and many others that later proved to be orchestrated by members of the Gülen Movement within the police and judiciary. Hundreds of officers in the armed forces and many more in the police force were purged through those trials, opening the way for members of the Gülen Movement to take their places. Petek was also a defender of Fethullah Gülen, claiming for years that the “Service Movement” (as the Gülen Movement called itself) was nothing but a civil-society organisation.

CHP deputies also said that close to 300 pages of the commission’s findings were left out of the draft report including testimonies by former Armed Forces Chief of Staff İlker Başbuğ (2008-2010) and former Head of The National Intelligence Agency Emre Taner (2005-2010). (EVRENSEL DAILY)

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