8 Ocak 2018 08:49

EMEP: If Iranian people win, democracy wins

The Labour Party of Turkey (EMEP): The people of Iran need the support of peoples, not the imperialists.

EMEP: If Iranian people win, democracy wins

Fotoğraf: Evrensel

The Labour Party of Turkey (EMEP) declared support for the struggle of the Iranian people and called on the workers and labourers of Turkey to lend their support.

Here is the Labour Party's (EMEP)'s statement on the protests in Iran:

"The people of Iran went onto the streets against the repression of the Mullah regime, unemployment and exploitation and to get their rights. Just like every repressive regime, the Iranian government is trying to suppress these demonstrations with violence and bloodshed.
On the other hand, various imperialist powers made statements pretending to support their struggle for their imperialist purposes.
However, the people of Iran are as opposed to imperialists as they are opposed to oppression and exploitation. They have proved this with the struggles they have been waging for decades. They are not going to fall for the imperialist plans to intervene on the pretext of the righteous struggle of the Iranian people.

The people of Iran need the support of peoples, not the imperialists. Freedom of thought and expression, freedom of association, secularism, an end to the second-class treatment of women, an end to privatization and subcontracting, unemployment and the high cost of living, more democracy, greater freedom and a united struggle of the people for their own power are all common demands of peoples.
With reference to the support of the imperialists some groups and circles have immediately declared the struggle of the Iranian people for freedom and democracy as an act of the fifth column, thus effectively supported the continuation of the reactionary regime. Not giving the much-needed support to the people of Iran, they become a party to the inter-imperialist conflicts.

Yet, the support of the peoples of the region, especially of Turkey, would make it easier for the Iranian working people to win this struggle.
The Iranian people winning this struggle would be a victory for the peoples of the region who are fighting for democracy and would strengthen peace and fraternity.

Our Party supports the struggle of the Iranian people and calls on the workers and labourers of Turkey to lend their support.
For the victory of the oppressed people of Iran and an end to dictatorships!

January 3, 2018." (EVRENSEL DAILY)

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