Withholding of election certificates from decree expellees protested in Diyarbakır

The Supreme Election Council’s withholding of certificates of election from mayors-elect who are subject to decrees with the force of law was protested in Diyarbakır.

Withholding of election certificates from decree expellees protested in Diyarbakır


Following the Supreme Election Council’s resolution to deny certificates of election to mayors-elect who have been expelled under decrees with the force of law, a sit-down protest was held in front of Bağlar Municipality. The town hall was surrounded by hundreds of police officers.

The police denied access to the front of the town hall at the protest in which HDP Diyarbakır members of parliament Musa Farisoğulları, Saliha Aydeniz, Remziye Tosun and İmam Taşçıer along with Bağlar Co-Mayors Zübeyde Zümrüt and Zeyat Ceylan also took part.

As the sit-down protest continued at the entrance to the town hall, the slogans, “The municipalities are and will be ours,” “Amed (Diyarbakır) is ours and Bağlar is ours” and “We will resist our way to victory” were chanted.

A warning was made by the police that they would intervene if the protest was not ended.

Following a statement by Zeyat Ceylan, who was denied his certificate of election for being a decree expellee, the protest came to an end.

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