28 February 2020 05:27

IPI: BirGün’s announcement ban lifted, Evrensel’s must be lifted too

The International Press Institute (IPI) has announced that the announcement ban given to BirGün has been lifted by the Press Notices Institute and appealed for the same ban issued to Evrensel must be lifted at once.

IPI: BirGün’s announcement ban lifted, Evrensel’s must be lifted too

The International Press Institute (IPI) has announced that the announcement ban given to BirGün has been lifted by the Press Notices Institute and appealed for the same ban issued to Evrensel must be lifted at once.

The IPI has announced from its social media account that the announcement ban given to BirGün by the Press Notices Institute has been lifted. In addition the IPI also appealed for the fine issues to Evrensel must be lifted with immediate effect too.

The IPI message published in Twitter reads “Great news as #Turkey's state ad agency @basinilankurumu ends 6-month ban on @BirGun_Gazetesi yet IPI demands urgent lifting of public ad ban on @evrenselgzt.

Ban must end w/out delay or face permanent exclusion to threaten survival of the newspaper. #FreeTurkeyJournalists”.

The General Editor of Evrensel newspaper, Fatih Polat, who quoted the message, said the following: “Get well soon wishes to our neighbour newspaper, BirGün. I would have wanted to say we wish the same for ourselves, alas, the Press Notices Institute, on the grounds that such a decision has been given, may persist on the cancellation of Evrensel’s right to notices on the pretext that ‘See, we are not biased against anyone’. This is what their attitude seems to be. This is because Evrensel has nothing missing. I wish I will be proved wrong.” (EVRENSEL DAILY)










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