Capitalist governments want to turn Coronavirus into an ‘opportunity’!
As the contemptible character of the capitalist health policies is progressively laid bare, it seems inevitable for the debate about the system-coronavirus connection to gain further ascendance.
All the schemes of western countries who were rubbing their hands, saying ‘this will destroy the Chinese economy’ when it first emerged in China at the beginning of 2020, and of the charlatans of capital who were busy calculating how to turn the pandemic into an opportunity for themselves have gone haywire.
The severe measures China took in a way that is idiosyncratic to itself have increased the indications that it has taken the spread of coronavirus under control. The World Health Organisation, on the other hand, stated that “The coronavirus crisis centre is now Europe”.
While number of deaths increase in Italy and Spain on a daily basis, facing the spread of pandemic to all cities, the respective governments have declared Martial Law. And in other European countries, borders have been closed in the face of the rapid spread of the virus. Restrictions have been brought to flights and all kinds of travel, educational institutions ranging from primary schools to universities have been closed and sports events postponed. Entertainment venues have been shut down and curfews declared. All these measures were taken to control the spread of the virus.
The transformation of the virus into a pandemic on the world scale from “a Chinese virus,” going well beyond being perceived as “a natural calamity,” have been giving credence to its assessment in its connection with the capitalist system. And thus, there emerged a debate about the health system that has been commercialised and privatised with the morals of the avaricious individual characteristic to capitalism “with no concern for anyone but oneself,” bereft of any inkling of solidarity and self-sacrifice and with no regard to abide by collective decisions. As the contemptible character of the capitalist health policies is progressively laid bare, it seems inevitable for the debate about the system-coronavirus connection to gain further ascendance.
As of now, since the motherland of capitalism (the US and Europe) became the centre of the crisis, the process is one of capitalism’s test against coronavirus.
The “grave robbers” of capitalism scheming that “Let the Chinese economy collapse so that we can fill the void left behind” are now making a fuss that “the world economy may enter a recession”.
Indeed, the central banks of the US and of European countries are taking measures in order to defer a possible recession and are busy talking about new ones. However, all these measures taken are taken for the wellbeing of the capital, for the markets to operate and to protect the already hair-thin balances of the capitalist system. Such moves supporting capital, brought into the agenda with statements that “the purpose is to protect employment,” are promoted to workers and labourers with claims that “With all these measures, despite seeming like being supportive of the capital, our actual goal is to ensure you continue to have work”.
On the other hand, early data demonstrates that coronavirus may rapidly spread in Turkey. The Health Minister, appearing on TV screens a few times every day is giving the impression that “he is careful being transparent”.
Schools have been closed, decisions were taken for football matches to be played without spectators, bars, night clubs, entertainment centres have been closed, but two of the government’s weak points also became clear.
The second significant issue of the government was seen in the Shopping Centres (AVMs). The government hell bent on closing bars and entertainment venues could not face closing cafes, coffee houses and Shopping Centres.
The bosses of these Centres did not even accept a two hour reduction of work hours of Shopping Centres on two days. However, the bosses were also careful to mention that “in case work hours are reduced, the out of work hours will be deducted from employers’ annual leave”!
In Turkey where not many ministers but the Minister for Health have been making appearances since the emergence of coronavirus, finally, yesterday the Minister for Treasury and Finance, Berat Albayrak stated “A series of support and measures will be implemented embracing all sectors in relation to pandemic in Turkey with those affected the most as a priority. Measures have been taken in a way that there will not even be the smallest of glitches in the access of markets to liquidity and will continue to be taken,” and thereby announced that all is under the order of the markets and that measures taken will be issued by President Erdoğan in coming days.
In Albayrak’s statement, it seems that the measures to be taken have the purpose of protecting the capital against the impact of the coronavirus. However, once what Albayrak has said and the policies of the government are taken into account, it becomes clear that bosses and the government want to turn the crisis into an opportunity. In this context, it won’t be an exaggeration to say that they also would like to turn the coronavirus pandemic into an opportunity too. Indeed, Minister Albayrak is not hiding that these measures have been readied along the suggestion and demands put forward by major capitalist organisations including primarily TOBB, TİM, DEİK, TESK, TÜSİAD and MÜSİAD.
The government is taking general measures and the ministers are working to ensure the bosses turn coronavirus into an opportunity. But when workers and working people are concerned, even when it is taken too far, the measures taken do not go beyond advice to bosses.
It can be understood from the letters our newspaper receive and news pieces coming from workplaces that bosses are not bothered in the least to take measures about coronavirus with primarily hygiene.
That all the government thinks about are the bosses is not a fact restricted with Turkey. Indeed, as was noted in our newspaper yesterday, workers in shipyards and steel factories in Italy, resorting to strikes, demanded a month’s recess in production. Italian workers demanded that measures taken against the virus should begin in the field of production that will recommence. Workers in the FIAT plant in Canada have announced work stoppages in order for measures to be taken against coronavirus.
It has become important for advanced workers and fighting unionists from all confederations to carry the debate against the spread of the virus into workplaces and to identify demands in relation to this: inspired also by the struggle of Italian and Canadian workers!
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