Rejecting the “trustee rector,” Bogazici University, students were taken into custody, police used plastic bullets and gas
Bogazici University students and faculty continue their functions aiming at the resignation of Melih Bulu of AKP, Erdogan appointed. However, the government respond every function by police blockade and taking hundreds of people into custody.
![Rejecting the “trustee rector,” Bogazici University, students were taken into custody, police used plastic bullets and gas](
Fotoğraf: Evrensel
159 were taken into custody upon disallowing the function of the students demanding the resignation of Melih Bulu appointed as the rector of Bogazici University by President Erdogan. Students in custody were reported to have been battered and tortured. Moreover, the function organized to have those in custody released was outlawed. Polis used plastic bullets and tear gas on the reporters and the students joining the function. Demanding the resignation of Melih Bulu, who have not worked at Bogazici University and become a parliamentary member candidate from AKP, the students and the academicians require to elect the rector themselves, and they continue their functions for that aim.
Demanding the resignation of Melih Bulu, the students intensified their protests during the last few days. Of the students gathering in front of the rectorate building in the evening of February 01, 159 have been taken into custody. Meanwhile, the police intervened the Labour, Peace and Democracy groups gathered in Kadikoy to support the students and to protest the arrests, despite the ban on gatherings. 104 people were taken into custody in that protest as well.
In Ankara too, the students, wanting to issue a press statement in support of their friends, were not allowed to do so. Without even giving any prior warning, hundreds of police attacking the crowd took many people into custody.
In Izmir also, many citizens, gathering to have supporting functions, were taken into custody.
Further, in Adana, Bursa, Antep, Cukurova, Zonguldak, Denizli, Kocaeli and Eskisehir, related functions were held in support of students.
February 2, 2021
Support from many places around the world and Turkey has been provided to the students rejecting the appointed rector. More than 300 work pieces were sent to the painting exhibition established as one of such supporting activities. Amongst these work pieces, there was one depicting Kabe. Using as an excuse that this work piece was presented laid on floor, the police stormed into the exhibition, taking 5 students into custody and arresting 2 other students.
Trying to justify the attack on the basis that the exhibition was organized by LGBTI+ club members, the Internal Affairs Minister, Suleyman Soylu used the phrase “twisted” for the LGBTI+ members.
Where 159 were taken into custody, the demonstration had been organized on the day of Jan 30 by the students who gathered at Bogazici University to protest the custody and the arrests, and the police had intervened.
Having banned any function to defend the rights of citizens, the strikes of farmers, miners, metal workers and workers at many lines of businesses, the Internal Affairs Minister Suleyman Soylu targeted the students this time.
Calling the hundreds of students taken into custody as “terrorists,” the Internal Affairs Ministers Suleyman Soylu described the LGBTI+ members as “twisted.”
The rule of Erdogan had proclaimed the stockers of potatoes and onions, economists, academicians and workers as “terrorists.”
Reacting against the severe intervention of police on students, many citizens showed solidarity. Upon the police not permitting the functions and taking 104 individuals into custody, citizens supported the students and academicians by drumming on pots and pans from their balconies and windows. The drumming on pots and pans specially happened in the Hisarustu community where Bogazici University is situated.
Closely monitoring the events in Bogazici University, many universities outside the country condemned both the custody of the students and the illegality of the appointment. At the head, many academicians in England, the academicians in many countries from around the world condemned both the rector Erdogan appointed and the security forces taking the students into custody.
Composed of hundreds of academicians in England, Solidarity with the People of Turkey (SPOT), issuing a statement, demanded the release of all students, the resignation of Melih Bulu, and the acceptance of students’ demands.
SPOT, launching a signature champaign in England, demanded the halting of oppression on students and the realization of students’ demands. Demonstrating support, Greenwich, Oxford, Bristol and Warwick Universities at the head, many universities in the United Kingdom asked for the demands of the students be accepted.
Students in custody at the head, thousands of students and academicians proclaimed that they were not to take a step back in this struggle unless Melih Bulu, whom Erdogan appointed, resigned, unless they elected their rector themselves. Many students and academicians asked for more people to provide support against such unlawfulness.
While the opposition parties accused Erdogan government for its demeanour against the students and the appointment of Melih Bulu, issuing an open letter to Melih Bulu himself, Ankara Mayor Mansur Yavas also joined those asking for his resignation. (EVRENSEL DAILY)
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