31 Mart 2021 13:07

No to policies which ‘legitimise’ imperialism!

Trying to juggle one imperialist against another through games is not a wise move. Hence, standing against new Ottoman policies is important. Such moves are putting the country under greater risks from imperialists and giving them an excuse to act.

No to policies which ‘legitimise’ imperialism!

Tayyip Erdoğan (solda) | Fotoğraf: DHA / Joe Biden (sağda) | Fotoğraf: Flickr / Kolaj: Evrensel

It has been over 2 months since Biden’s rise to office however the much expected phone call is yet to come. Instead an ‘invitation’ and a letter which accompanied such an invitation was received. The invitation was regarding the ‘climate’ talks which are due to be held between ‘leaders’ following America’s return to the Paris Climate Agreement.Biden, has invited 40  world leaders to the meeting which is due to be held online. Mr Erdogan is amongst the 40 leaders to have received an invitation.In the letter received with the invitation, Mr Biden has expressed his condolences to the families which have been affected by the COVID 19 pandemic.


The phone call from Biden which has been pending for over 2 months is not just a regular phone call.If diplomacy is an art of  ‘drawing damp from the clouds’ the issue over the phone call, the timing of the phone call and the length of the phone call is important.The phone call carries important implications for the relations between both countries. The much anticipated phone call is hoped to resolve the issues between Turkey and the USA and possibly suggest a solution to help improve relationships.That Mr Erdogan, upon realisation of his economic and political dependency on the west made declarations contradicting his previous stance completely saying, ”our route and position is towards the west” shortly after Biden’s election is no coincidence but rather an attempt at repairing the relationship. However, Biden’s failure to respond and his proceeding actions such as trying to resolve the issues around eastern-mediterranean with Miçotakis whilst not making any contact with Mr Erdogan has disappointed the occupants of the palace. In this context, it is hard to say whether it is going to be possible for Mr Erdogan and Biden to focus on the issues with Turkey in an online meeting with over 40 leaders. In Fact, it seems very difficult that it may enter the agenda at all. Hence, it is not possible for the invitation to replace the much expected phone call which would have been more focused and productive in addressing the issues between both countries.The content of the letter which accompanied the invitation focuses on humanitarian feelings and suggests that the USA is intending to pursue its relationships with the Foreign Secretary rather than Mr Erdogan.


The EU has discussed placing certain enforcements against Turkey following the issues with Greece over eastern mediterranean sea. This matter was put on the agenda during the EU’s meeting in December. However, no consensus was reached and a decision was postponed until the next meeting on the 21st March.During this meeting the EU voted against any possible sanctions in view of Turkey's cooperative declarations.  However, words have been leaked that Biden has ordered the EU to enforce the sanctions against the Erdogan government.The EU is expecting Turkey to resolve its issues over the eastern mediterranean and human rights, and l in return Turkey is requesting free travel ‘without a visa’.It is worth noting that the possibility of sanctions has not been removed completely. If Turkey fails to keep its promises and show progress it may come back on the agenda.


Following the details of the Brussel meeting on 24th March it is evident that the relationships between both countries will continue to be jeopardised unless Turkey shows considerable progress over resolving the issues over the eastern Mediterranean, Syria, S400’s, Human Rights and the withdrawal of the Istanbul Convention.It is evident that the USA and the EU who work in coordination, will continue to use sanctions as the sword of damocles to secure Turkey’s agreement. Western imperialists are also using this as a means of testing the Erdogan Regime or possibly punishing him for his close relations with Russia in the past. What the imperialists are trying to do is unsurprising. However, trying to juggle one imperialist against another through games is not a wise move. Hence, standing against new Ottoman policies is important. Because such moves are putting the country under greater risks from imperialists and giving them an excuse to act.

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