7 Mayıs 2021 13:07

Mr. Minister, Yes Sir!

Justice Minister, Abdulhamit Gul granted and ruled “if the opposition sees any shortcoming in ‘Human Rights Action Plan’, they may voice it.”

Mr. Minister, Yes Sir!

Abdulhamit Gül | Fotoğraf: DHA

Fortunately, Hurriyet Author, Fatih Çekirge reported, so that we learnt about it nationwide.

Our Justice Minister, Abdulhamit Gul granted and ruled “if the opposition sees any shortcoming in ‘Human Rights Action Plan’, they may voice it.

What a huge gesture is it to grant the right to voice the opposition who do not know anything other than providing “support for terror” and “terrorism” in opposition to our local and national regime, presidential sistem of Turkish type, is it not!

What a coincidence, General Directorate of Security has announced a memorandum, in the days Fatih Cekirge lined up his praises for the Human Rights Action Plan of our Justice Minister. According to the memorandum issued with the signature of General Director of Security, Mehmet Aktas, it is illegal form this time on, to take the videos of, and to record the voices of the police during any protest.

When one hears the justification, their jaws drop.

Don take me wrong; it is not in surprise, it is in admiration!

Because, this directive has been allegedly adopted for “preventing the violation of the right of privacy and privacy of personal data being served and shared in an unlawful manner”!

Don’t you dare let such ideas come to your mind as “what privacy concern there is for police conducting public service.” There is no doubt that this directive will result in a higher ‘level’ in our country in terms of human rights.

According to the report on 2020 world freedoms of Freedom House, amongst the countries where the rights and freedoms have taken back steps in the last decade, it is said that ours is the second from the last right after Tanzania.

As soon as we heard this directive, we have entered into a mood of peace and happiness of expecting to assume, nationally in 2021, the place of Mali which is the last in the above list!

Some murmurs, jarring voices originating from the opposition should not ever bother our dearly distinguished minister.

Why to worry about the provincial governors’ bans on functions and activities, and about preventing the workers-laborers wanting to celebrate May Day, resisting against the lay-offs, for their freedoms and rights to trade unions.

Why to worry about the abolishing İstanbul Convention, about the arrest of the students resisting against the trustee rector, about the peasants resisting against the stone pit of Cengiz loving the mother of our nation, and about the enemies of wealth supporting them, and about the obstruction of press, the ban for drinks.

Then, the ban for the number 128, about the operations against social media sharing’s.

Why to worry about the lies about the pandemic becoming automatic, and the aid not provided, vaccines not applied, after all, why to worry about the packed congresses, and the pepper spray on the Islamist opposition in mosques.

Also in addition, those never ending arrests of the trouble maker Kurdish people, the trustee appointments to local governments, operations, even not recognizing the court decisions.

Let’s leave them aside and let the opposition, the spokesperson of the powers envying our most advanced democracy, keep muttering.

We, as the nation, are fully confident of our Mr President swiftly handling the minimal trivial defects of our ‘Human Rights Action Plan,’ with the help of the ‘civil constitution’ that he has been preparing together with Devlet Bahceli, a relentless defender of our democracy.

For example, let there be such a ‘civil’ constitution for us that, the judiciary would not second guess when the chief or his little partner, whom he expresses his appreciation in every opportunity to, once say “they are to be closed down without a delay” to those, say, Bar Associations, TTB (Turkish Doctors Union), HDP (Peoples’ Democratic Party), the trade unions opposing to and being against our local and national rule; let them be a party, association, professional organization, and whatever there is. If there remains any such careless courts dragging their feet against these decisions with such reasons as law and order etc., they should of course be shut down too !

Mr. Minister, don’t you think that it is time to put a lock on the door of that Grand National Assembly too, which has been just the source of great cry and little wool; as our chief, having already taken all the authority in his hand, has just as well been ruling the country by decree!

Also, for example, instead of dealing with the axis of evil called opposing media, by taking them into custody, or blackening their screens, our new constitution coupled with Human Rights Action Plan can resolve this problem in its very roots by taking new decisions that our democracy deserves.

Mr. Minister, as you know, our local and national NAZI, Perincek, walks around says “Our judiciary is living in its golden age.” However, according to the ‘rule of law’ index of World Justice Project (WJP), we see that we have been able to achieve the 107th place amongst 128 countries.

Let’s also take these steps with our civil constitution, and then see more of the ‘golden age’!

Not even the golden age, top place in the world; but more seriously than these, there is no doubt in that we will capture the leadership in space, too, which our president has pointed us as a new target!

Since our Mr. Justice Minister has been so kind in graciously granting us to voice our opinion, let us say it: Mr. Minister, if you insist on executing the Human Rights Action Plan in such a speed, there will be no space left in the jails to put the people in. I wonder, for the sake of our advanced democracy, for the survival of our local and national rule, whether you had better start looking for places for concentration camps !

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