17 June 2021 12:43

Gunman attacks HDP office and kills Deniz Poyraz

Deniz Poyraz, a party employee at the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Izmir branch was killed today in a brutal attack at the party office.  

Gunman attacks HDP office and kills Deniz Poyraz

Fotoğraf: Mehmet Emin Mengüarslan/AA

Deniz Poyraz, a party employee at the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) Izmir branch was killed today in a brutal attack at the party office.  

An armed attacker has been identified as Onur Gencer. It is believed he entered the building in the early hours despite the presence of constant police force at the gate of the party building. He took Poyraz as a hostage and burned the property, and then killed her.

“Our friend, Deniz Poyraz, was murdered in the attack on our İzmir district building. The instigators and abettors of this brutal attack are the AKP-MHP government and the Ministry of Interior which constantly targets our party and our members” HDP said in a statement.

As the incident created a public outcry, Izmir Governor’s Office released a statement saying that the attacker was a former health care worker and has been detained. Onur Gencer is believed have been sent to fight in Syria against the Kurds and has previously shared armed photos from his time in Syria on his instagram. 

Democratic forces in Turkey have called for urgent solidarity stating that this brutal attack -which by itself has the capacity to be a trigger- has been triggered by AKP’s all-out attack against HDP and the constant harassment of democratically elected opposition politicians and the utter intolerance for criticism of government policies or officials.


The Labour Party of Turkey (EMEP) strongly condemned the attack. EMEP’s statement is here:

“Deniz Poyraz, a HDP member and a party employee, died in an armed attack on the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) İzmir Provincial Organization building. This attack is a result of cowardly provocation and we strongly condemn it.

Rather than who the shooter is, it should be questioned from where he gets this power and what political climate he leans on.
The HDP has been the target of the ruling bloc for months. Every time the government spokespersons open their mouths they pour out orders after orders to shut down HDP. The judiciary opens a closure case in parallel with the discourses of the political power.
HDP has been subjected to a political lynching in the dominant media, but HDP spokespersons are not given the chance to defend themselves publicly.

Those who create this climate of hatred are responsible for the blatant provocations.

We wang it to be remembered that similar provocations took place in Ankara during the “Kobane Case” hearings.

These attacks on the HDP, which is the 3rd largest party in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) are a blow to the right to engage in politics and to political freedoms.

The one-man ruling has been trying to criminalise all social struggle through the HDP.

What the gang-mafia ruling order has done to the country should be considered together with this grave event.

The forces of labor and democracy should increase solidarity against such attacks and provocations that take place from a single center. Because what is essential is the people's demands for work, bread, freedom, democracy and justice.

Not only the shooter, but also those who instigated the attack must be found, this dark plot must be exposed, and all those responsible must be brought to justice.” (EVRENSEL DAILY)

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