Unemployment, poverty, hunger, high cost of living, inflation, housing problem, political pressure, deprivation of rights, police attack, militarist policies constitute the most important current but actually persistent problems in all capitalist countries, with varying scope and level. Tension, conflict, wars in their various forms continue. Millions of people have been cut off from their land. The "globalization" propaganda did not prevent the building of walls on the borders of countries. Capitalism is constantly producing decay, depression, corruption and despair. Bourgeois administrators, on the other hand, are busy with the ruling and opposition party wings, claiming to solve problems through the spokespersons of the bureaucratic military apparatus and how to secure the system.
The whole history is instructive for the masses of the people, especially the workers, to see that the problem-solving of the ruling class and its representatives will be against them unless the advanced and organized sections of the masses -however organized- are in a position to put pressure on the solution of the problems. The working class, as a class and the masses of people, when the numbers are taken into account, put tens of millions of capitalists in every country, and hundreds of millions of workers and laborers in countries such as China and the USA, under the capitalist bourgeois dictatorship, especially the big capitalists, who constitute only a very small part of the world population approaching 8 billion. They will not be able to get rid of the yoke, nor can they provide a solution to their current problems, unless they understand the reasons why they can.
Every discourse that obscures or will obscure this truth will and will strike the struggle to get rid of the bloody reign of capitalist exploitation. All system parties, with their different versions and formulas, squander the policies that serve the continuation of the exploitation of labour power, to the masses of the people. While doing this, each of them also attaches special importance to appearing to defend the rights and interests of the whole society by using the prominent demands of various social segments from one end to the controlled direction of the reactions created by these conditions in the exploited and oppressed masses, taking into account the socio-economic conditions.
It cannot be believable otherwise. Lying, exploitation and intrigue are the motto of those who have taken on the guard dog of the ruling bourgeois class and monopoly capital in the bourgeois capitalist world. It is the impossible law of competition under capitalism, determined by capitalist interests, which directs their accusations against each other. While the forces of a vicious competition for more profit fight in the economic field most obviously and do not hesitate to “shed blood” on each other, they use every means and means to shape the dominant social idea that bourgeois interests are unique and without alternative in the field of politics and culture.
It is very clear: the imperialist and capitalist rogue bourgeoisie is constantly strengthening the bureaucratic military apparatus in order to protect its dominant position and capitalist interests. Trillions are invested in weapons. While the world is witnessing the barbaric policies of those who try to continue capitalist exploitation, the financial oligarchies and monopolies that rob peoples, and the capitalist class that exploits billions of workers, they are turning the swamp of exploitation and the product of bourgeois rottenness into “heaven on earth”, individually in chorus, but repeating the same refrain. they are trying to show. They still need to slander socialism, to promote their old socialist countries as “iron curtain” – “totalitarian regimes” in order to maintain their own order based on the exploitation of surplus value, while the nuanced differences of the bourgeois tyranny and its clown factions and their policies are made to appear “democratic” or “more democratic”. They need all kinds of weapons, violence, lies, intrigue, distortion, dishonour.
The tactics of the capitalists, especially the monopolistic section, and their swamps, to deprive the masses of their bourgeois-democratic rights and to back up the masses through the existence-absence, level of existence and scope of these rights with their different factions is another side of the political-social realities. The deprivation of rights and poverty, unemployment or the difficulties of living conditions of the workers, laborers, small producers and all oppressed segments of the society, dependent oppressed nations and peoples, by the representatives and defenders of the capital order, backing and directing them, but keeping them connected to the order no matter what. used as a tool. As if there is no class differences, conflict of class interests, exploited-exploited, sovereign-oppressed relations, problems are harmony, stability, development, prosperity, peace and so on. It is drawn to the lane of order, accompanied by concepts that suggest and include reconciliation and keeping it connected. Keeping workers and laborers away from an organization and struggle that will lead to their liberation from exploitation against capital is the main priority of all these political-practical and ideological attitudes.
However, more or less progress towards the rights of the exploited and oppressed and the improvement of their living conditions could only be possible by strengthening their own independent organizations and their struggles, without backing up to the capital forces-parties and the state, as historical experience has fully proven. Democratic rights, with their bourgeois content, were only recognized and accepted, with the fear that a more definite and effective struggle against capitalism would come to the fore if they were not met, and to be taken back whenever possible.
Today, the situation has not changed. The exploited and the oppressed and their organized sections; Although socialists, various democratic organizations and their representative forces are debatable, mass labour organizations cannot escape the suffocating attacks of the octopus arms of the bourgeois trap unless they emerge with a united struggle and effort of influence. The problem, of course, is not to deny the widest possible alliances while striving for further steps in the struggle for democratic freedoms, but to stand in a position and place to consistently defend the interests and rights of the exploited and oppressed, with an attitude that can influence from the position of an independent revolutionary force in such developments. Whatever it is, to deal with the problems on the social basis without the concreteness of class differences, contradictions and conflicts (however they exist) would be to move away from the goal in the field of politics and to fall into opportunism.