16 Ekim 2021 18:02

Health workers call on social media for November 23rd action

Health workers who said "No medicine in 5 minutes", "No health in 5 minutes" called on social media with the hashtag "EmekBizimSözBizim" for their action on November 23rd.

Health workers call on social media for November 23rd action

Fotoğraf: Evrensel

Health workers who say "no medicine in 5 minutes" against increasingly difficult working conditions during the epidemic period will organize a white march from Istanbul to Ankara on November 23rd. Health workers have called for their november 23rd action on social media with the hashtag "#EmekBizimSözBizim."

Faced with unemployment, severe working conditions, layoffs and poverty, health workers oppose the current health system, which puts public health at riskand cannot protect the public from  epidemics, infectious and chronic diseases. Health workers who stated that the health system, which sees the remedy in making appointments for 2 patients within 10 minutes despite a serious migration abroad, is bankrupt, take action on November 23rd by saying that "there is no medicine in 5 minutes". (EVRENSEL DAILY)

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