24 Mart 2022 09:59

‘Libertarian’ and ‘patriotic’ scales of Zelensky and his administration desquamated!

The last resolution of Zelensky administration will be able to provide a chance in our country also for those intellectual democrat sections to review their position being supportive of Zelensky’s politics in the name of homeland defence.

‘Libertarian’ and ‘patriotic’ scales of Zelensky and his administration desquamated!

Volodimir Zelenskiy | Fotoğraf: Ukrayna Devlet Başkanlığı

In the struggle for domination between the Western imperialists and Russia, the war lasting over Ukraine is continuing.

On one hand, the reports keep on coming every day about that the clashes between Russian and Ukraine armies last with no slow down and that the corridors “agreed” to be opened up to evacuate civilians do not work, there is no shortage of announcements that a compromise have been reached in negotiations, or “a meaningful stage was achieved” at least for a truce, on the other.

Meanwhile, a series of announcements from Western imperialists country by country, and sanctions by NATO follow one another stating that they would help in every way they can, including providing weapons to Zelensky administration. And using the war as pretext, European imperialists race to announce new and loaded budgets for armament that would otherwise draw huge opposition.

NATO, on one hand, continues to fortify its bases in its member countries near Russia as a means of its strategy to lay a siege to Russia, and on the other, it adopts new resolutions in “extraordinary summits” held in sequence to increase its combat power.


However, the resolution drawing the most attention in recent days came from Zelensky. Taking into account the Ukrainian National Security and Defence Council’s assessment of the war in the country, Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky announced that he suspended the activities of some political parties throughout the period of martial law.

Zelensky declared that the activities of the political sections and parties operating under the names of “Opposition Block,” “Ukrainian Progressive Socialist Party,” “Socialists,” “Opposition Platform for Life,” “Sharia Party,” “Ours,” “The State,” and “Block of Vladimir Saldo” are stopped during the period of war.

Thus, the scales covering the real aim and will of Zelensky (and his administration) who has been, since Russia began to invade Ukraine, so much brightened as “a patriot, a hero devoting his life for the liberty of Ukrainian people,” even as a leader “defending European values against Russian imperialism,” have desquamated.

This resolution has just clearly demonstrated Zelensky’s partial position to NATO, his disrespect for liberties, the values of independence, his collaborative position with Western imperialism, as it has made it clearly visible that the weights of nationalist powers of his administration and the “neo-Nazi remnants” have increased in the administration.


Moreover, Zelensky and his administration has thus banned the operation of political parties and sections opposing to the politics of Zelensky administration partial to Western imperialism, bringing Ukraine about being a field of struggle for domination amongst imperialists, in addition to cracking down on those just advocating “No to war”(*), by transitioning to an administration that is more prohibitive than Putin’s decree, issued in the very first days of war, convicting those opposing to war with up to 15 years imprisonment. And thus, of course, the claims of the centres of imperialist propaganda attributing to Zelensky administration such values as “democracy,” “liberty,” “patriotism” have fizzled out.

Our colleague Yücel Özdemir wrote about the confusion the resolution of Zelensky administration brought about in “German left” (especially in Left Party and German Communist Party) on the Monday issue of our newspaper, with his usual rigor and clear style. It would be expected development that this confusion would bring about those sections, which are in opposition to a war between Russia and Western imperialism, but have viewed Zelensky and his administration as “innocent and victimized” over “defence of homeland,” “libertarianism,” to review their positions against Zelensky and his administration.


Nevertheless, in our country, it is undoubtful that EuroAsianists supporting Russian imperialism and of course more radical centres of those such as Vatan Partisi and Halkın Kurtuluş Partisi, previously known as leftist, will use more recklessly Zelensky administration’s banning the activities of opposition parties and sections, to defend the invasion of Ukraine as being a struggle against Western imperialism and Russian tanks and rockets as being a means to liberate peoples. By the same token, it would not be a surprise for some individuals and sections, whose eyes have so blinded, with the view of Putin as a hero struggling to re-establish the USSR, to use this last resolution of Zelensky administration as a cover-up for their own nonsense.

All in all, this last resolution of Zelensky administration will be able to provide a chance in our country also for those intellectual democrat sections to review their position being supportive of Zelensky’s and Ukrainian administration politics in the name of homeland defence against the invasion of their country over rough libertarianism.

In brief, it is unarguable that this last resolution of Zelensky administration has been increasingly confusing and will be confusing about many issues ranging from “struggle against imperialism” to advocating “No to war,” from “whether to oppose to the invasion of Ukraine or not” to “being impartial to war and invasion.

For this reason, it is essential for the peace powers declaring “War against war” to intensify their agitation and propaganda actions answering detailed questions by utilising every means of propaganda including conference meetings to explain what has been going on.

To this end, while intensifying efforts to draw those advocating “No to war” into struggle on one hand; it has gained even more importance today to intensify the anti-war propaganda in order to defeat the black propaganda of imperialists and their collaborators, on the other.

(*) Even though some of the parties and political sections banned from any activities are partial to Russia and therefore they are the speakers of bourgeois opposition fractions supporting the invasion of Ukraine by Russia; it is understood that the main majority of them are the opposition parties opposing to the politics of Zelensky administration that has brought about Ukraine to become a field of domination for imperialists.

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