Elections, livelihood and two lies of AKP

Ercüment Akdeniz

Fotoğraf: DHA
AKP government and the People's Alliance put the country into the stress tunnel again. The poltics of “If AKP is not governing political power, chaos happens” is once again in circulation. This can also be called the threat of “Give us the power, get back to the tranquility.”
In order to pin this blackmail politics, restrictions are imposed one after another. The political ban on Canan Kaftancıoğlu is one breaking point. Others will follow. The country will once again be taken to elections under the conditions of state of emergency. They have gone so far as to ban picnics, festivals and concerts. Dark forces are engaged, news reporters are being threatened. There is no consequence for them. The unjust and heavy sentencing delivered in Gezi Case is a high sign of intimidation.
If the government will not enforce those, what would they do? High inflation and price hikes could not be stopped. People have been losing their purchasing power fast. The wage increases for laborers did not amount to any solution for them, the inflation is like a bulldozer. The wages going into pockets is not but money that is worth of nothing. Government is after transforming the times even into opportunities for bosses while economy has dived deep down to bottom. People are in poverty but the monopolies have been breaking records of profits. The TL savings indexed to foreign currencies benefitted the moneybags. The difference between the two are paid with the taxes collected from the people. Every time the eyes of ministers are sparkled, new plots are set. The practice of “Inflation protected borrowing” has been leaked to the press, a situation for debating it has been created. As the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer, the government is embracing the forceful and oppression politics in order to have this rotten system persist.
Workers and laborers, forces of people are obliged to build the united labor front, and to struggle around their demands. It is ever more necessity for labor and democracy forces to repel those attacks by standing shoulder to shoulder and next to each other.
The government block remains standing not only because of its oppression and forceful practice but also because of the propaganda based on lies. The news report, of Eren Ergine and Murat Uysal on yesterday’s Evrensel newspaper, is quite striking in that sense. The laborers, who have voted and may still vote for AKP and MHP, iterate that the situation could be a temporary one, despite they accept that the economy is not good. The two points that the governing party propaganda still seem to have serious effect on laborers. First of those points is that the economic crisis is not present only in ours but it is in all over the world, and therefore AKP can be tolerated. And the second is that the year 2023 is a turning point, and that the some bonding treaties made 100 years ago will expire, and therefore, the country will be out of the woods.
However, the economic crisis stems not only from the practices of a system party (together with it) but from the capitalist system itself. The economic crisis signs, gradually progressing towards financial crisis risk, are felt by the countries of the world in various forms although all is not at the same level. The inflationist politics emerging at worldwide scale are also the signal of that. Bourgeois system parties are striving to have the present system last or to restore it throughout the world (regardless that they are in power or in opposition). The difference is that, AKP is one of most unconcerned and arrogant parties in the world scale in terms of imputing the burden of the crisis onto workers and laborers.
Consequently, it is impossible for workers and laborers to find a way out without waging a struggle against capitalist exploitation laws, without standing in opposition to the program of capital, or relying on any one of capital programs. Workers must see themselves as part of the international working class struggle against the capitalist attacks. In order for workers to win on their demands, they must act as a class independent of capital. Against AKP, the reality that the system parties could not state is just that. The preaching, “We are also against neo-liberalism” of the spokepersons of bourgeois opposition parties, is far from convincing. Because, whenever the economy is in question, they provide trust to international capital, and they claim that capital will flow freely into Turkey under their government. In their liberation prescription, there is nothing beyond that. Therefore, there is a need for another politics, the politics of working class to capture the stage.
In case of the year 2023... What AKP inherited from previous system parties is that Turkey became more dependant in economical terms. How else could the situation of a country can be explained that its agriculture has been collapsed once it was rated as being amongst the self-sufficient, and that it has been dragged into the situation that it is dependant on foreign sources in almost every field from seed to fertilizer? The plunder and loothing of nature of foreign and colaborating domestic monopolies are another indicator. The hole in treasury, financial vulnerability and many other examples can be given. Leaving alone the treaties of 100 years ago, during the last 20 year period of AKP in government, have the modern public debt borrowings not been undersigned that dragged the country onto the verge of collapse? Capitulations, that are, the privileges recognized for other countries, have they not been transformed into the privileges for international monopolies in the years with AKP?
Moreover, the capitalist imperialism, whose “New World Order” has collapsed, is trying to re-write the world order by arms, just as seen in the example of war in Ukraine. The treaties of 20th century are expiring under the shadows of imperialist savagery and the arms. The fate of those getting on the war vehicles of imperialists is defeat. Therefore, the 2023 illusions AKP has been trying to spread around carry no meaning beyond that of the shell of a rotten egg. The issue is the issue of explaining this reality to laboring masses.
Stating that it would build the second century of Republic as “classless and rankless society,” the system opposition has not spoken against or opposed to bourgeois rule. It has handed out wisdom to bourgeois companies and private sector, lessons of merit! It is okay to question and defy the collaborator and the gang of 5. However, when TUSIAD, TISK, G20, and boss organizations are in question, the statements of “classless and rankless society” experience memory loss!
In summary: The disintegration in the government block cannot enter into a rooted disengagement and right direction unless it is unified with the class politics. In labor and democracy struggle and third alliance discussions, that is a reality that we must not miss out.
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