27 August 2022 20:41

Alliance of Labour and Freedom is being formed

Alliance of Labour and Freedom is being formed

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Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), Social Freedom Party (TÖP), Labour Movement Party (EHP), Socialist Assemblies Federation (SMF), Workers' Party of Turkey (TİP) and Labour Party (EMEP) came together in İstanbul. After the meeting, the name of the alliance was announced as "Labour and Freedom Alliance". "With the initiative of our institutions, it has been decided to announce the establishment of the Labour and Freedom Alliance at the end of September with a mass public meeting and the widest democracy forces," the statement said.

In the hall where the meeting was held, a banner with the emblems of each party and organisation and the inscription "Together in solidarity, struggle and hope" was hung.

At the meeting, in addition to evaluations on political developments, the name and road map of the alliance and the method and date of the public announcement of the declaration to be prepared were put on the agenda.


The final text of the meeting is as follows:

"On 25 August in Istanbul, we came together once again to emphasise the unity that will create a change on the basis of equality, freedom, fraternity, peace and democracy in the present and the future of our country, to strengthen the political and social will, to shape our determined stance, our struggle, our march that grows solidarity and hope.

As a result of our months of labour;

To increase the struggle in all cities, streets and squares, fields and factories, schools and universities, in all areas of Turkey;

We have reached the stage of completing the alliance work we have been carrying out in order to unite the demands and struggles of labourers, workers, women, youth, farmers and producers.

We have decided to share with the public in September the principles of struggle, the political programme framework, the road map covering the period before and after the elections, and the principles of struggle of this alliance, which will unite the struggle for change on the basis of social justice, equality and strong democracy in the face of the economic, social and political crisis we are experiencing and which is deepening every day.

We are aware of our historical responsibility and we are determined to act accordingly.

Our alliance will grow with the participation, contribution and support of all segments, political and social opposition forces who resist the anti-people policies of the AKP-MHP government, who want to get rid of this order and power, and who want to hold those responsible to account.

Our alliance will be a companionship, a friendship of struggle.

We will fight together for a humane working and living order; for a strong democracy based on the sovereignty of the people; for a peaceful and democratic solution to the Kurdish problem; for the equality and freedom of women, youth and disadvantaged groups; for the protection of nature and our cultural assets.

Our call is to all labourers, all social movements, institutions, organisations and citizens who struggle for democracy, rights, law, freedom and equality.

Let's take responsibility together. Let us rebuild the country, which has been turned into a place of fire, in a free and democratic way with common demands and an understanding of struggle together.

We know that establishing a social and political order dominated by the people on the basis of labour, peace, freedom and democracy values is only possible with the power of all oppressed and exploited segments of society.

We invite everyone to joint and united struggle in line with this understanding and call.

We will succeed together against the one-man rule, the order of capital and oppression." (EVRENSEL DAILY)

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