15 Kasım 2022 13:02

After the İstanbul bombing, it’s time to unite to overcome the darkness

The working class, labourers and people of Turkey have the knowledge, experience and accumulation to overcome this dark period. There is no room for frustration. Now is the time for all labour, democracy and popular forces, women and youth to unite.

After the İstanbul bombing, it’s time to unite to overcome the darkness

Fotoğraf: DHA

1- The bomb that exploded on İstiklal Street in İstanbul, the most crowded part of the city, targeted not only the people who were killed and injured, but the entire population. The attack is against all of us. Our condolences go out to our people. What happened is an attempt of mass murder, a crime against humanity. Whatever the form of blind terrorist acts, wherever and however the attack comes from, the people are harmed. As recent history has proved, such bloody acts have always strengthened the hand of the rulers in terms of their political consequences and have only served to expand the political manoeuvring ability of the government. The Taksim attack, which is a clear provocation, is also like this. We condemn the attack once again.

2- Immediately after the explosion, Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK) imposed a broadcast ban, Information Technology and Communication Authority (BTK) imposed band throttling and social media was frozen. Thus, a "one man social media" was added to the one man media. The right and freedom of the public to receive news has been officially prevented. The confirmation of information from multiple sources has been prevented, and the news source has been gathered in one hand and connected to the government. These practices, which further strengthen authoritarianism, are also an obstacle to revealing the truth and illuminating the massacre in all its aspects. Doubts and question marks have not disappeared, but are increasing. It will be recalled that Minister of Justice Bekir Bozdağ responded to the reactions to the draft censorship law as follows: "There were Gezi, Kobanê and Hendek incidents. This regulation will be activated when there are acts aimed at disrupting social peace, not individual acts..." The censorship law, which was passed by the Parliament despite all the warnings and objections of the forces of labour and democracy, had its first major exercise after the Taksim attack. Moreover, it is not possible for social peace to be achieved by silencing the voices of the people and ignoring their objections. If anything, this situation means governing the country with a de facto state of emergency in the run-up to the 2023 elections. In addition, the importance of the struggle for the people's right to information has been proven once again.

3- What was the agenda and urgent demands of workers and labourers as we entered the week? Improvement of wages in the face of high inflation, organisation of the struggle for a minimum wage to live humanely, an end to the injustice in taxation that turns workers' wages into the minimum, preparations for the collective agreement (TİS), prohibition of dismissals, accountability of the government representatives and executives who have been shedding their wires in the recent explosions in the mines in Amasra and Zonguldak. The chaotic atmosphere paved by the Taksim attack overshadows these urgent demands of the labouring classes. Therefore, the blind terror environment has caused one of the greatest damages to the world of labour. From here, the capitalist order and the government may turn to banning strikes, workers' rights to unite and demonstration altogether. For this reason, workers and labourers must not take a single step back from their demands. The struggle for labour and democracy must be united. Trade unions, labour and professional organisations and democracy forces should not leave the square empty and should make joint statements.

4- With the Taksim attack, social traumas have been renewed and the bloody massacres of 7 June and 1 November 2015 are being talked about again. Those who were the black box of that process must speak. Those who said "Our votes increased after the explosion", those who said "If I talk about the Gar Massacre, they will not be able to come out in public" referring to the government, must now speak about what they know. Because if that period is not brought to light, those who are accomplices by keeping silent will bear the political responsibility of the new period. Therefore, the National Alliance also faces this political responsibility.

5- One of the goals of the one-man government is to use every social event and development for the construction of a fascist regime. Another one is to design the "domestic and national opposition" that President Erdoğan had previously pointed out. Based on the Taksim attack, it is possible that "cross-border operation" or war authorisations will be on the agenda again. As soon as the regional balances allow it, the government will use this card to the fullest for vote consolidation. For this reason, workers and labourers should not be partners in the sovereign politics that opens the door to chauvinist provocation and Neo-Ottomanist wars. The struggle for labour, democracy, freedom, equality, equality, independence, secularism and peace should not be linked to the AKP-MHP bloc, but to a focus of struggle independent of the one-man rule and capital.

6- As the surveys and field researches show; the search for "class politics", which has been behind the political field for a long time, is a reality that is gaining strength again. The blind acts of terrorism and the chauvinist wave that will be unleashed through it is a blow to this rising momentum of the class struggle. Of course, it does not follow from this that the problems related to freedoms expressed as the "politics of identities" are insignificant. Another reality in the surveys is that for a long period of time, the economic concerns of the people have been far beyond security concerns. The main agenda of the people is poverty, bread and livelihood problems. However, with the recent developments in the spiral of violence, terror and chaos, there has been a shift in social concerns. This change of course is also a lifeline for the AKP, which has ruled the country for 21 years and has pushed a significant part of the people below the hunger threshold in the economy.

7- History is a manifestation of the struggle of class societies and in this struggle there are not only ruling classes. There are also the working class and labouring classes. Each class progresses by learning through its own experience of struggle and its own history of struggle. The working class, labourers and people of Turkey have the knowledge, experience and accumulation to overcome this dark period. The 7 June-1 November period is full of experiences not only of trauma, but also of regrouping and rising up. Hope for change derives its strength from this. There is no room for frustration. Now is the time for all labour, democracy and popular forces, women and youth to unite.

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