5 May 2023 16:04

Letter to women from parliamentary candidate Sevda Karaca: "We will win a non-violent, equal and free life together. Women will win"

Letter to women from parliamentary candidate Sevda Karaca: "We will win a non-violent, equal and free life together. Women will win"

Fotoğraf: Dilek Omaklılar/Evrensel

Sevda Karaca, Gaziantep parliamentary candidate from the Green Left Party, the umbrella party of the Labour and Freedom Alliance in the elections, wrote a letter to women. Karaca, who also shared a video on her social media account about the letter, said, "Come, let's overthrow the One Man in the ballot box on 14 May and carry the voice of women to the parliament! Have no doubt! This election will be the choice of women! We will win together, women will win."

Labour Party (EMEP) General Executive Board member Sevda Karaca wrote in the letter, "Dear sister, there is very little time left until 14 May. In this election we will not only elect a president or a parliament. In this election we will vote for what kind of a country we want to live in. I would like you to review the last 21 years. Shall we remember together what we women have heard and experienced in these 21 years? We were told that a woman does not laugh. They told us that men cannot find a job because women work. They told us that pregnant women should not go out on the streets. They said that if a woman does not shout when she is attacked, she has consent. Why does the child die in unwanted pregnancies, let the mother die, they said. They said, "We do not believe in the equality of women and men, it is against nature". As if millions of children were not hungry, they said 'at least 3 children' every time they opened their mouths. In the middle of the night, with the signature of a single man, they cancelled the Istanbul Convention and made 6284 an election bargaining tool."


Stating that they are tired of lies and injustices, Karaca said, "Isn't it time to say enough? Dear sister, I know that you are aware of the darkness we are facing just like me. We still haven't forgotten Duygu Delen, Ezgi Alya Yiğit, who were taken away from us by the bosses' children in Antep. We haven't forgotten the special operations forces who leaned on the government and took Feray Şahin away from us. This system of injustice pats the backs of those who take another one of our sisters from us every day. Now we have the former minister of this injustice order on the lists before us. We are facing the bosses of Başpınar and Ünaldı. There are money lords who are sure that they can commit any offence and get away with it. We are facing gangs of religious abusers. There are those who despise women and treat them as second class citizens. We are up against those who turn the borders into a jagged wedge and fill Antep with armed jihadist gangs, those who make this city unsafe for women. We are facing tyrannical alliances."


Emphasising that women are not without options against all this, Karaca said, "Because there is an alliance of women who want freedom and equality against all this darkness, the Labour and Freedom Alliance. Come, let's put an end to the reign of those who sit on millions in their palaces and make decisions on our behalf. Let's work together until 14 May. On 14 May, let's overthrow the One Man at the ballot box and carry the voice of women to parliament. Don't have any doubts. This election will be the choice of women. We will win a violence-free, equal and free life together. Women will win."

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