22 May 2024 14:06

Call for struggle against the bill of crisis and imperialism from the 10th Conference of Labour Youth

Call for struggle against the bill of crisis and imperialism from the 10th Conference of Labour Youth

Fotoğraf: Evrensel 

Labour Youth, the youth organisation of the Labour Party (EMEP), announced the results and decisions of its 10th Conference. The agenda of the conference, which was held on 11-12 May under the slogan "Against imperialism and exploitation, to win the future together", was the urgent demands of the youth struggle in the light of Marxism, the expansion of the anti-imperialist struggle that has started to mature worldwide and the unification of the youth in the ranks of socialism.

In the statement of the Labour Youth on the conference process: "After the despair that the presidential and parliamentary elections of 14-28 May 2023 caused to the youth, the regression of the one-man rule in the local elections of 31 March 2024 has increased the possibilities of struggle. The imposition of the burden of the economic programmes presented by the AKP government on the youth, the widespread feeling of hopelessness and helplessness among the youth, the increasing number of labour murders in vocational schools (MESEM), the changes in the curriculum with religious projects in schools have been an indication that the government's attacks on the youth have increased".

In the statement, where the main line of the conference was conveyed, it was said that "the Labour Youth went to its 10th Conference to determine and strengthen the ways, methods and means of uniting in a line of struggle based on demands against the accumulated problems of the youth. In this regard, our conference ended successfully. We will continue to carry and advance the accumulation of the struggle of the youth of Turkey.

The conclusions and decisions of the 10th Labour Youth Conference are as follows:

"All over the world, imperialist interventions are worsening the living conditions of the workers and their young generations. All over the world, the capitalist parties are trying to further implement the imperialist-capitalist interests by relying on all the political reactionaries. Racist, chauvinist and far-right policies are organised as a buffer against possible reactions to the wars, destruction and misery caused by the imperialist contradictions. On the other hand, there is a growing need for the growth of the international struggle of the world youth. The task of increasing international youth solidarity and advancing the struggle of the world youth on the basis of the international accumulation of the revolutionary party of the working class stands out as one of the urgent tasks of the Labour Youth.

The neo-liberal policies continue to be the reason for the deterioration of the living and working conditions of the youth in Turkey. The attack programmes of the government and capital aim at passing the bill of the economic instability created by the capitalists to the workers and labourers. Economic programmes based on austerity and increasing the pressure on the working class will determine the class-power relations of the coming years as the option of Turkish capitalism. Accordingly, populist politics, which include political-ideological discourses that will create the consent for nationalist, racist and chauvinist politics, are spreading among the working class and its young generations in Turkey as well as in the world. In the face of this, it is necessary to organise a multifaceted work among the youth in order to highlight the anti-war sentiments, the feelings of brotherhood and solidarity and to expose the relations between capitalism and nationalism.

The anti-immigrant attitude and the political style that is based on confrontation and denial instead of negotiation on the Kurdish question has also found a response among the youth in Turkey. There is a growing need to organise the struggle of Kurdish, Turkish and immigrant youth around common demands, especially the demand for peace and coexistence. The Labour Youth, as the organisation of the struggle of the Turkish youth of all nationalities against the policy of hostility, oppression and violence of the one-man rule, must continue to work for fraternity, solidarity and equality and make its appeal multilingual.

In the poor working class neighbourhoods, the youth's access to social and cultural spaces and sports has been reduced even more than in the past. The Labour Youth will take more decisive steps to organise the demands for increasing the cultural, artistic and sports opportunities for the youth, especially in the neighbourhoods, to create and develop mass organisations of the youth to create these spaces, to plan scientific, cultural and sports workshops and to organise the youth of the workers, the unemployed and the neighbourhoods in the ranks of scientific socialism.

While the marketisation of education and the internal contradictions of capitalism in Turkey are tearing millions of young people away from education, working while studying is becoming an obligatory option. Under these conditions, Labour Youth will continue to work for the demand of "free education". It will organise as an urgent demand to secure the educational conditions of the student youth, to increase the scholarships and to give a free scholarship to every needy student.

Our conference found out that the experience of the university students in coming together has increased in the recent period and that the actual unions of struggle have been used more than in the previous period. The increase of the accumulated experience of struggle in terms of the necessity of unifying and centralising the university struggle depends on the stabilisation of these unions of struggle. From this point of view, the organisation of the student representative offices as broad and mass unions, in which the youth sections can participate on the basis of departments and faculties and develop their organisation, is an important need. In the face of the dysfunctionality of the student representative offices by the rectors appointed by the one-man administration, the obstructions and irregularities against the elections in most of the universities, it is one of our main tasks to regain the most basic democratic mechanism of the student youth. One of the decisions of our conference is to launch a widespread campaign for the organisation of representative elections at the beginning of the next academic year.

The activity we have been carrying out since the last conference on the MESEMs (vocational high schools) has had a significant impact on the public agenda of the MESEMs, with homicides and accidents at work. In this respect, it is important to continue our dialogue systematically. In addition, a widespread campaign will be organised to organise the demand for quality vocational training and scholarships among MESEM students and against work-related accidents/murders.

The contradictions and conflicts between the imperialist countries and blocs are sharpening and all the countries where the conflict of interests is escalating are turning into the competition and battlefield of the imperialists. Agendas such as the increasing arms race, the investments in the war industry, the increasing wars and conflicts, the migration problem, the cross-border operations and the conflict and denial policies of the AKP-MHP government on the solution of the Kurdish question show the necessity of organising an anti-imperialist line of struggle among the youth. The task of uniting the youth of Turkey on the line of anti-imperialist demands and struggle is one of the tasks that the labourer youth faces as a result of its accumulation of struggle. It has been decided to continue the broad and effective work around the anti-imperialist demands and slogans in the coming period. In this context, the content and scope of the upcoming youth summer camp will be organised according to this need.

The Zionist Israeli state has been continuing its aggressive occupation and massacre policy in the Palestinian territories for seven months in front of the eyes of the whole world and with the open support of the imperialist states. Workers and youth took to the streets in many parts of the world to stop the Zionist aggression. Boycott and occupation actions continue in different universities in the USA and Europe. In our country, popularising the demand for ending the occupation in Palestine among the youth is one of our tasks for the coming period. Widespread education must be organised to expose the open support of the USA and the imperialists to this occupation, to put an end to the occupation in Palestine, to expose the hypocritical attitude of the AKP government and to organise anti-imperialist demands such as cutting all military and diplomatic relations with Israel, Turkey's withdrawal from NATO, the closure of the US bases in our country. We will mobilise all our means to increase the solidarity with the Palestinian people and to spread the demand to end the occupation in Palestine in universities, high schools, workplaces and neighbourhoods; to organise meetings, demonstrations, events and solidarity actions in our areas. (EVRENSEL DAILY)

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