More than a hundred thousand workers rally in Ankara to warn the government

The anger of the workers, who have been pushed into poverty by the Erdoğan-Şimşek programme, flowed into the rally in Ankara. The slogans "Resign the government" and "If you don't pay attention, you will pay the price" were chanted by the workers.

The anger of the workers, who have been pushed into poverty by the economic programme of the Erdoğan government, flowed into the rally of Türk-İş in Ankara. At the rally, where demands for a decent living wage, justice in taxation and against privatisation and subcontracting were raised, the austerity programme was protested, the slogan "government resign" was chanted and the warning "if you don't pay attention, you will pay the price" was shouted.


More than one hundred thousand workers took part in the rally organised by Türk-İş in Tandoğan. In the rally, in which all the unions affiliated to Türk-İş participated with their members, Türk Metal and Yol-İş attracted attention with their masses, Harb-İş and Demiryol-İş members with their enthusiasm. The workers, who came with banners with their demands, did not leave the area until the end of the rally.

More than a hundred thousand workers filled Tandoğan Square for the rally from the early hours of the morning. In addition to the trade unions affiliated to Türk-İş, CHP deputies Ömer Fethi Gürer and Gamze Taşcıer, Labour Party (EMEP) Chair Seyit Aslan and deputies İskender Bayhan and Sevda Karaca, Ankara Provincial Organisation, Revolutionary Labour Party and Kaldıraç also took part in the rally.

The problem of low wages, the demand for an additional increase and the tax burden were reflected in the banners of almost every march. The banners "Our red line is a living wage" and "Is the country in trouble when it comes to the workers? While the energy workers marched with demands against privatisation, the most chanted slogans were "We will win, united we will win" and "No work, no bread, no peace".

The workers targeted the government and chanted "Government resign", "Let the government listen, let the government listen", "Ankara Ankara hear our voice, these are the footsteps of the workers". Finance Minister Şimşek was the target of the platform. The slogan "Şimşek, don't be surprised, don't exceed our patience" was chanted from the platform and the president of Türk-İş, Ergün Atalay, said "Şimşek's world is different from mine".


Türk-İş President Atalay addressed the government with the words "We expect solutions, not words" and explained that they have been working in the fields for months and said "We cannot spend 15 days with these wages. We are not a vote bank, we do not have to vote for you. Listen to us, you will pay the price'. Atalay, who said that 150 thousand people attended the rally, told the workers: "We are at your disposal.


There were also reactions against the trade union leaders at the rally. The public sector workers, especially the members of Harb-İş, chanted slogans demanding the resignation of the union leaders and the president of Türk-İş, Atalay. The workers, whose calls for resignation were prevented by the podium with the words "Don't shout slogans other than the ones we shout", protested by booing. The workers we interviewed said that the protests should continue. (EVRENSEL DAILY)


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