The 19th Congress of the Communist Party (CCP), which has 89 million members in China, the most crowded country in the world, was completed on Tuesday and carefully followed in many countries. Among these countries, there is, of course, Germany too. Because of the increasing commercial ties between the two countries in recent years, in which direction the Chinese regime will take steps to concerns Germany too. For this reason, many news and comments about the CCP Congress have been published.
Looking at the news, the most important conclusion from the Congress is that the Doctrine declared by Party Secretary-General and President Xi Jinping was written for the first time in the party constitution after Mao Zedong. And with a consensus of 2 thousand 300 delegates ...
According to the BBC, this privilege has been granted to Deng Xiaoping beside the Leader Mao of the 1949 Revolution. Xiaoping is known as the "architect of the economy," who adapted the economic policies of the party to the free market over the years when the USSR and the eastern bloc collapsed.
The doctrine that caused Xi to write his name in the CCP Constitution is headed by a "Chinese style socialism in the new age". According to this doctrine that Xi summarizes in his three and a half hours speech, it has been claimed that important steps are being taken to establish socialism. In this frame, the first "modernization" move will be between 2020-2035 and the second will be between 2035-2050.
Another important aspect of the Congress was the increase of Xi's power within the party and the state. Süddeutsche Zeitung described this situation as "the king's officials". Now many things in China will depend on what Xi says. Therefore, his second period will end in 2022, but it is said that he will come up for re-election.
Xi's "Chinese-style socialism in the modern age" expression reminds people the 20th Congress of the CPSU, when the Stalin era ended in the USSR, and which was the beginning of the Nikita Khrushchev era. Of course, it is not right to compare today's China with the USSR back then. First of all, regimes and conditions are different.
Back then, Khrushchev presented the capitalist revision that he had initiated to divert from socialism as "construction of communism". After all, the USSR made important socialist economic moves, was successful in the Second World War and the civil war. In this case, it was time to live in peace with other imperialists and establish communism!
The "doctrine" of Khrushchev did not only bring about the end of the USSR but also harmed the entire humanity at the same time. Today, if humanity is in wars, poverty and misery, capitalist restoration and demolition in the USSR play a great role. It is obvious that the bipolar world is better than today's multipolar world.
As a capitalist country in China, "Chinese-style socialism" can be established as Xi has declared, but it is obvious that it will not be "socialism". Because of the fact that socialism does not have a style like "Chinese-style", "Russian-style", "German-style" or "Turkish-style". How it should be was explained in Karl Marx's "Das Kapital" published 150 years ago, and how it was achieved was revealed in the October Revolution, which was made 100 years ago. For this, first of all, the surplus-value on the labour-class must be removed and the ruling power must be transferred to the working class. It seems that China is moving rapidly in the opposite direction only if we consider these two criteria. It can be said that the Chinese working class is the most exploited and the one over which the most surplus value is gained today. This is the secret behind how Chinese products spread throughout the world. The power, however, is not in people, but in the party which is ruled by a class.
For all these reasons, it is necessary to read the doctrine declared by Xi as the process of becoming a normal capitalist country, and recovery from "state capitalism" pieces. China is indeed a capitalist country like any other countries today. But as it has been seen in the party congress, the symbols and the definitions regarding communism are still influential. From this point of view, there is a tremendous contradiction between essence and form.
It is already time for, China which is capitalist at heart and communist in form, to eliminate this contradiction. But it seems that the bureaucratic elites of China are not in a hurry to eliminate this contradiction. Indeed, the deep inter-class contradictions within the country indicate that the Chinese capitalist army of gravedigger working class has grown as much as possible and is beginning to organize.
Therefore, the work of Xi is not easy at all. Bernhard Zand, an experienced writer of Der Spiegel who has monitored the party congress on the spot, writes that in the coming period, four major crises will be waiting for Xi: Corruption, the gap between incomes (classes, professional groups, state bureaucracy and interregional), borrowing and North Korea. Zand finishes his article with these words: "These crises are real and absolutely getting harder. We will see in the future whether all the power that they have in their hand will prevent these dangerous conflicts. "(
That the Chinese regime has taken an important step towards authoritarianism on behalf Xi is because of both domestic and foreign policy. It is understood that in order to silence the hundreds of millions of people who will oppose the regime inside and to defend the regional interests outside, it is all about establiXing an authoritarian regime. "A powerful China in economic and military terms" is being mentioned for this. The regime is making preparations to protect itself, not the interests of its people and the working class because a great fight and war are fermenting in the region.