The phrase "Turkey's best export product is its army" belonged to the international speculator Soros, as it will be well remembered. The name of Soros was frequently pronounced especially during the "color revolutions" period, and a strong connection was established between these "revolutions" and Soros. Our “domestic and national” government was sticking sorosism to all opponents, claiming that there was a connection between them and imperialism. Demanding democracy and freedom, fighting for a democratic structure in the country were labeled as Sorosism.
The head of our "personal state", who was waiting for Biden to meet as Leyla waited for Mecnun, spawned that they aspire to stay in Afghanistan at the last NATO meeting! The USA and NATO were withdrawing from Afghanistan, but Turkey, taking Pakistan and Hungary with it, aspires to the task of bringing the Afghan people to the road. There were plenty of soldiers in the country and nothing was cheaper than human life. Our government was against Soros, but he had no objection to Sorosism and Soros's advice! They were always Sorozists on such matters. Thus, a debt of "loyalty" would be paid to the Afghan people, who supported the national liberation war financially and morally, and whose heart beats for those who struggle for liberation. At the time of these collaborative ruling classes, they also opposed the independence of Algeria, now it was time to crush the resistance of the Afghan people!
It can be said, "What's wrong with this, isn't Turkey already in Afghanistan?" Yes, Turkey is in Afghanistan within the framework of the "NATO mission", but it is not a fighting force. Conflicts are inevitable when other forces withdraw and the main task is undertaken. Moreover, the Taliban have declared that they are against it. The government aspires to stay in Afghanistan against the military, logistical and economic support of the USA and NATO and is eager to shed blood. There is clearly the protection of this people with the blood of their children for the strategic interests of the USA.
But it is not clear which files this "Afghan mission" was accepted to delay the opening of. S-400, Halkbank, Syria, Iraq, Eastern Mediterranean, Libya, files that may constitute international crimes, etc. The problems are on the table and the government, which is in need of even a single dollar in the economic crisis, is on the line of surrender to the blackmail of the USA and to comply with the duty orders. It is possible that this task was given by the USA in the preliminary negotiations, in return for not opening some files for now. Nowadays, the US henchmen sing "goodbye Eurasia" songs for this, while the Eurasianists are busy taking solace between the lines. On the other hand, Turkish supporters of independence and democracy are faced with the task of defending the country more strongly.
Undoubtedly, this task is not the first in such reactionary tasks of the collaborating ruling classes running the country in the service of imperialism. Such missions have been and are being made in Kosovo, Somalia, Lebanon. But during those missions, the situation was clear and there was a "solid" justification that these missions were carried out within the framework of NATO and the UN. In other words, the issues of "locality and nationality" had not yet become the arguments used against the opposition, and such tasks were approved by the government and opposition, despite the objections of the anti-imperialist and democratic opposition. What happened today is an open and overt offer of servitude, and in return, the bloated “criminal files” will not be opened for a while!
Obviously, there is no change in the country's relations with imperialism and the USA, but the policies implemented by juggling the gaps between the USA and Russia have come to an end. The land is gone, the feet have reached the water. The ruling press is now busy praising these relations. The verbal part of imperialism and anti-USA is over. Now is the time of truth and the place of this power there is exactly on the opposite side. We don't need to remind you that the reality is a real anti-imperialism and anti-US.
Down with imperialism and the USA, the opposition made with only bright words has no value. The enemy is inside and above us as their representative! Just yesterday, he hosted the representatives of the US monopolies in Turkey and made new concessions to them. This is why the anti-imperialism and anti-USA policy without resorting to the liquidation of all economic, diplomatic and military relations has no value. What has happened, all these experiences are full of serious experiences for the people, and there is no reason why the government, all its bases and supporters should not be defeated in a country where anti-US and anti-imperialism is so widespread.