6 Aralık 2021 07:05

President Erdoğan bragged about below poverty line benefit payments, claiming that his government has removed all barriers for disabled people

President Erdoğan claimed that the AKP government has solved all problems faced by disabled people and bragged about their benefit payments of 1,800TL (116 Euros) - which is under the poverty line.

President Erdoğan bragged about below poverty line benefit payments, claiming that his government has removed all barriers for disabled people

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan | Fotoğraf: Halil Sağırkaya/AA

Claiming that the AKP government has removed all barriers for the disabled in every aspect under their rule, President Tayyip Erdoğan targeted the opposition through existing teaching laws and said: “Despite the fascist opposition mentality, which makes it a habit to threaten all public officials, we - as the People’s Alliance - will completely remove all barriers as soon as possible.”

Speaking at the Disabled Teacher Appointment and Barrier-Free Vision 2030 Promotion Meeting at the Haliç Congress Centre, President Erdoğan said: “With the Disability Act 2005, we ended discrimination against the disabled in education, care and employment.

“We took our place among the first countries to sign the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2007.

“We have constitutionally guaranteed positive discrimination for the disabled. We have realised that areas such as sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, parks, public transportation and informatics are accessible.

“We have put into service 128 disabled access community centres throughout Turkey, with at least one centre in each province.

“In total, 398 public-private care centres offer residential care to 32 thousand brothers and sisters. There is no one waiting in line in public centres.

“We pay 535 thousand citizens 1800 TL (116 Euros) a month as part of home care assistance. In 2012, we introduced a ground-breaking separate and centralised exam practice for the disabled - a first in the world.

“We have brought 384 thousand disabled brothers into the business world.

“In the last 19 years, we have implemented many arrangements such as education, rehabilitation, employment, social assistance, home care, sports and cultural activities.

“We will submit the Teaching Profession Act to the Parliament soon. We will introduce a comprehensive, innovative and holistic employment law for our teachers for the first time.

“We see that our work is welcomed by the education community.

“Despite the fascist opposition mentality, which makes it a habit to threaten all public officials, we - as the People’s Alliance - will completely remove all barriers as soon as possible.” (EVRENSEL DAILY)

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