20 Ocak 2022 18:05
Güncelleme: 23:13

8 parties made a joint statement: We will strengthen the common struggle

HDP, EMEP, TİP, TÖP, TKP, Halkevleri, SMF and EHP made a joint written statement after the meeting in Ankara: "We have decided to continue the common struggle, to increase and strengthen these struggle grounds".

8 parties made a joint statement: We will strengthen the common struggle

Fotoğraf: HDP Basın

The meeting of HDP, EMEP, TİP, TÖP, TKP, Halkevleri, SMF, EHP representatives ended. After the meeting, a joint written statement was made. "We have decided to continue the common struggle, to increase and strengthen these struggle grounds," the statement said.

At the invitation of Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chairs Pervin Buldan and Mithat Sancar, Labour Party (EMEP), Workers' Party of Turkey (TIP), Social Freedom Party (TÖP), Communist Party of Turkey (TKP), Community Centres (HE), Socialist Councils Federation (SMF), Labour Movement Party (EHP) representatives came together.

The meeting, which was closed to the press. After the meeting ended, a joint written statement was made.

The full statement is as follows:
"The social, political and economic problems Turkey is facing are growing like an avalanche. The policies of exploitation, plunder and discrimination of the government lead to the deprivation of all human rights of all oppressed segments of the society, impoverishment and plunder of nature. We can establish a strong union that will grow and give confidence to the society, we can prevent the current oppression regime, we can pave the way for democratic change and transformation. Therefore, we believe that Turkey's democratic, left, socialist and revolutionary forces should ensure a broad partnership of struggle.
In this framework, we came together as the undersigned political structures on January 18, 2022, upon the call of the HDP. We share the decisions we took at this meeting with the public:
To continue the common struggle, to increase and strengthen these struggle grounds,
-Continuing regular meetings in order to determine the common struggle issues and to create the content, method and calendar to implement them,
- We have decided to aim to expand the common struggle, which does not limit itself to the current participation, to include all democratic, left, socialist and revolutionary forces of Turkey.
We will continue to talk about the ways and management of establishing the widest democracy, equal citizenship and struggle partnership with all the oppressed, marginalized, victims, laborers, women, youth and those who struggle for ecology in Turkey. As democratic, left, socialist and revolutionary forces, we are determined to fulfil our social responsibility.
With solidarity, struggle and hope…” (EVRENSEL DAILY)


Egemenlik kayıtsız şartsız doların!

Egemenlik kayıtsız şartsız doların!

Saray iktidarı, Türk lirasının parasal egemenliğine darbe vuracak bir kararla, tüm satış sözleşmelerinin döviz cinsinden yapılmasının önünü açtı. Böylece enflasyonun en temel dinamiklerinden olan dolarizasyonun eksik ayağı da Mehmet Şimşek imzasıyla tamamlanmış oldu. Türkiye’nin, başta ABD doları olmak üzere yabancı paraya bağımlılığı daha da derinleşecek.

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