Capitalism is the system of destruction and catastrophe!

Capitalism as a system that produces war and destruction is also a disaster of capitalists. Once again, the political-military watchdogs of capitalism themselves proved this.

British, American, German, French, Italian, Belgium, Australia, Canada, Switzerland -as you can count- Western state governments have demonstrated once again that being a capitalist does not provide reassurance to the capitalist by engaging in the seizure of Russian capital institutions and capital, including oligarchs of Russian origin. Capitalism as a system that produces war and destruction is also a disaster of capitalists. Once again, the political-military watchdogs of capitalism themselves proved this. The swallowing of small ones by large capital; the attempt of monopolies to rain down at the expense of small-medium enterprises is the unavory law of capitalism. This is known and experienced by capitalists in its most obvious form. Marxists did not say in vain that a capitalist always grows up "eating the head" of many. In the capitalist production system, which is based on labor exploitation and private capitalist ownership of means of production, the condition of capitalist existence is to have more at the expense of the deprivation and poverty of others. Sharing and the fight that is supposed to guarantee it are the product of competition. Capitalist stability and peace can only be temporary and relative. It's never permanent. Its evidence is ranked with hundreds of them in all capitalist period practices, from British, Dutch, Belgian, Spanish colonialism to American, French, German piracy. The years 1958-62, when hundreds of thousands of people were slaughtered in Algeria, and the first half of 1970, when 4 million people were slaughtered in Vietnam, are examples of atrocities and crime that were so close as yesterday. The supposedly peaceful imperialists massacred 500,000 people in Indonesia within a month. They killed 800,000 people in Rwanda in a matter of months. The naked reality of the capital order, which is shown as the guarantee of living in peace and security, stands as a bloody-dirty and impasse-indecable, flesh-and-bone label on the faces of politicians, ideologues, economists, journalists and writers who perpetuate the disgusting lie of bourgeois propaganda.

Once again, the public statement is obvious. They are different stages of a fight to keep the world in its hegemonic domain with its resources of land, raw materials, land, sea and air, and whatever comes  to mind. Although the current problem is Russia's military intervention in Ukraine, the landscape exhibited by the imperialist-capitalist world powers mobilized with both the developments that brought it to this stage and the attack  is that all workers and laborers, regardless of nationality, are the first and main victims of imperialist power struggles, capitalist rivalries and tensions in the conditions of capitalism. Regardless of whether they belong to the country that was attacked or attacked, they are either those who are killed and injured in military conflicts or who are more condemned to poverty, hunger and unemployment under the destruction caused by the war machine  . And again, it is clear that the price increases that started from the beginning of the counterattack, coordinated by the British-American imperialists and joined by the governments of the EU, Canada, Australia, Switzerland and other capitalist cooperative countries, hit these segments the most. British, German, French and other imperialists and Turkey's Palace-in-law arms fabricators have succeeded in erecting "defensive" barriers to the anti-labour policies of their administrations by harnessing the war industry, while the ukrainian "blue-eyed blonde" cheap labor grab game  has been staged with a despicable attitude that fuels racism.

Bourgeois rulers who emerged with the lie of "budget opportunities" against capitalists and workers who wanted their governments to take measures to increase wages, improve social rights and working conditions, began to strengthen the war machine in every country. German imperialist politics, which twice led the world to great war, is back on stage, masked for a different reason. Shulz and the SPD-Greens administration have demonstrated that they are undecably committed to assertiveness in the power struggle by reinforcing the militaristic force, of which €100 billion is a special supplement, which cannot be doubted to be used against the masses inside and outside the world, while inevitably to the dominant "spirit" of 1938-39.  he's made a call. In European countries, which are lined up in the succession of US imperialism, the prohibition-dismissal-non-schooling actions against those of Russian origin are not immune from dominant propaganda. Chauvinism is the lifeblood of militarism, and vice versa! Capitalist, imperialist state governments  feed off the war environment to overcome the problems they face while militarizing economies. It's an old but unfashionable experiment. The US-NATO-EU forces that destroyed Yugoslavia, burned Baghdad, looted cultural accumulation by slaughtering millions of people, and hit Afghanistan, Libya and Syria, were the "victims" when they started to bring Russia to its knees by dragging Ukraine into the fire. His rhetoric towards the end of the attack is hypocritical. They follow the policy of prolonging the war by relentlessly piling up power and providing weapons. The politics they follow are not peaceful, but warriors and destructive.

Even if it is true that the putin administration's enlargement policy in Ukraine has triggered all these developments, it is only true that the "sought-after justification" has been extended into their hands. Western imperialists and their collaborative governments, who are 'floating in their current', are trying to create a wider market share for themselves by destroying a power of capitalism within capitalism, while moving to bring Russia to its knees in a temporary bloc. Capitalism produces conflicts for exploitation or exploitation. He's a self-destructive self-destructive. However, unless it is erased from the stage of history by the action of the exploited and oppressed, it is also a candidate to reproduce itself in the destruction it causes - and again through the blood-life of the workers.

It is the workers and laborers who need to wake up to the situation and developments and raise the flag of struggle against the anti-class monopolist dictatorship administrations in all capitalist and imperialist countries without exception. Militarism is against them to appear in competition. Not to be surprised by the bombardment of imperialist bourgeois propaganda and not to fall into the trap of bourgeois mobs is an important condition for the working class and laborers to move towards the establishment of an exploitative and therefore war-free world. There is a need to increase the political vigilance of the workers against all imperialist forces and their war apparatus.

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