21 Mart 2022 06:30

Enthusiastic crowd at the Newroz rally in Istanbul

Istanbul Newroz was held as a meeting of labour and democracy forces in the city. The crowd, which came out of the Yenikapı Metro entrance in groups, walked to the square with songs, slogans and applause.

Enthusiastic crowd at the Newroz rally in Istanbul

Fotoğraf: Meltem Akyol/Evrensel

Citizens, who filled the ferry, train, bus and other public transportation vehicles to the Newroz meeting area in Yenikapı since the early hours of the morning, came to the meeting area with colourful shawls, flags and placards. The colourful clothes and festive enthusiasm of Istanbulites turned the cold weather prevailing in the country into spring.

Thousands of people from 39 districts arrived in the area with 350 buses, which were held for Newroz. In addition, convoys of private vehicles decorated with flags and pennants drew attention.

Istanbul Newroz was held as a meeting of labour and democracy forces in the city. The crowd, which came out of the Yenikapı Metro entrance in groups, walked to the square with songs, slogans and applause. Citizens marching to the field in corteges joined the halay with the accompaniment of drums and zurna.


The Labour Party (EMEP) Chair Ercüment Akdeniz, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Co-Chair Mithat Sancar, HDK Co-spokesperson Esengül Demir, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-Chair Keskin Bayındır, Green and Left Party Co-spokesperson İbrahim Akın, SODAP Co-spokesperson Sevtap Akdağ Karahalı, SYKP Co-chairman Cavit Uğur, TİP Chairman Erkan Baş and ESP Co-Chair Şahin Tümüklü attended. In Newroz, many workers from trade unions, especially DİSK, Alevi organizations and many democratic mass organizations took their place in the field.

The Newroz rally started with the performance of street musicians and Hûnermend Huriye. In addition to the organizing committee of the rally, the representatives of the participating parties made speeches. Many musicians added enthusiasm to the Newroz enthusiasm of tens of thousands of people in the field. (EVRENSEL DAILY)


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