29 Nisan 2022 16:13
Güncelleme: 19:29

The Labour Party (EMEP) continues its preparations for May Day all over the country.

The call shared in Turkish, Kurdish, English, Arabic and Persian from EMEP's social media accounts said: “Workers and labourers, youth, women, poor producers of all languages…. All the oppressed of this country; our strength is our unity!”.

The tide is turning; it is the time of the working class.

We're coming from strikes, marches, and resistances.

Against all obstacles that stand in the way of unionization, strikes, and struggles for rights;

Against the system that pays below the breadline to offer a cheap labor haven to the capitalists;

To end the one-man regime once and for all;

We're coming with our banners high!

Against those who make us dependent on bread on hangers and social welfare;

For humane living and working conditions;

For rights to free healthcare and education;

To establish the workers' country of fraternity, a country without wars and exploitation;

For democracy and freedom;

We're marching forward!

Long live the 1st of May!


İşçiye, düşman hukuku

İşçiye, düşman hukuku

Patronların yüzde 30 zam dayatmasına karşı yayılan grevleri engellemek için adeta düşman hukuku uygulanıyor: Besleme basın devreye sokuldu, valilik eylemleri yasakladı, e-devletten sendika üyeliği engellendi, işçilerin önüne polis-jandarma barikatı çekildi, gözaltılarla gözdağı verildi… Hiçbirinden sonuç alınamayınca ‘suç icadı’yla BİRTEK-SEN Başkanı Mehmet Türkmen tutuklandı.

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