16 Mart 2021 07:21

Gang attacks

When the struggle for freedom and democracy escalated, when the police's batons and anti-riot vehicles were not enough, they mobilized the fascist gangs.

Gang attacks Levent Gültekin | Photograph: DHA

Fascist gangs attacked journalist Levent Gültekin this time. The attack looks exactly like the attacks on journalists and party leaders. First, fascist chiefs tweet and threaten the person to be attacked. Then, instructions are given to the gang members who will carry out the attack. Then, the gang members scout where they will launch the attack. And then the attack is started. Police are not in sight during or immediately after the attack. If there is another situation, announcements are made immediately, the entrance and exit routes to the place of the attack are examined through CCTV cameras, those who escape are detected and followed.

In the attacks of the fascist gangs, these were not carried out, and it is probable that the police were not present in that area at the time of the attack. Levent Gültekin was attacked in Bakırköy - one of the busiest parts of Istanbul. If somebody enters there at any hour tomorrow and shouts a slogan against the ruling AKP party, at least 2 dozen plain-clothes policemen will end up on the back of their necks, they will be beaten, detained, and handcuffed in two minutes.

Fascist gangs cannot carry out these attacks without the police giving way.

It was like that before the September 1980 military coup.

When the struggle for freedom and democracy escalated, when the police's batons and anti-riot vehicles were not enough, they mobilized the fascist gangs.

Fascist chiefs, thinking that it was the intellectuals who mobilized the masses for freedom, they first attacked universities, academics, artists and journalists.

Universities were occupied by fascist gangs with the help of police and administrations, our teachers were shot, beaten, journalists and intellectuals were killed.

At that time, revolutionaries resisted fascist attacks. They do it again. But what is to be done is that democracy and labour forces all-out oppose  fascist attacks.

For example, an hour after Levent Gültekin was attacked, thousands of people should be able to go to Bakırköy Square and protest against the attack. The next day, hundreds of journalists should go there and say that an attack on Gültekin is an attack on us too.

One of the Future Party administrators was attacked earlier, and not even a few party members attempted to protest the attack.

If we do not oppose fascist attacks altogether, fascists will achieve their goal. Those who want freedom and democracy will not be able to go out on the streets.

It is time to shout out the slogans that we used to chant: "Shoulder to shoulder against fascism".

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